
Best Foods for Boosting Metabolism

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Although genetics has the biggest effect on your ability to burn fat, certain foods can rev up your metabolism or seriously slow it down.

Metabolism consists of our resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the energy our body uses to breathe, circulate blood, and perform other basic functions; activity thermogenesis, which is any type of activity or exercise; and the thermal effect of food.

Experts agree that there’s no one food that will have such a significant effect on our metabolism that it would cause us to lose weight. But there are foods that may rev up your metabolism a bit, and there are others you should eat in moderation or avoid altogether.

Best Foods for Boosting Metabolism:

  1. Avocado: Rich in healthy fats, avocados promote satiety and may help regulate metabolism.

  2. Tempeh: High in protein and fat, tempeh promotes satiety and contains probiotics beneficial for gut health.

  3. Chili Pepper: Capsaicin found in chili peppers may speed up metabolism and aid in weight loss.

  4. Beans: Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber, promoting satiety and preserving lean muscle mass.

  5. Whole Grains: Unlike refined grains, whole grains contain fiber, which can increase resting metabolic rate and aid in digestion.

  6. Eggs: Low in calories and high in protein and healthy fats, eggs can stave off hunger and boost metabolism.

Foods to Cut Back On for Metabolism:

  1. Refined Grains: Refined grains lack fiber and nutrients and can lead to weight gain.

  2. Sugary Beverages: Sweetened beverages can negatively impact energy balance, reduce fat metabolism, and promote weight gain.

  3. Alcohol: Loaded with calories and affecting blood sugar levels, alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain, especially when paired with poor food choices.

  4. Granola: High in calories, fat, and sugar, granola can spike blood sugar levels and increase hunger.

  5. Soybean Oil: High in calories and omega-6 fatty acids, soybean oil can promote inflammation and weight gain. Swapping it for healthier oils like olive oil is recommended.

By incorporating more of the metabolism-boosting foods and reducing the intake of foods that can slow down metabolism, individuals may support their weight management goals and overall health. However, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle for sustainable results.

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